EMERGENCY: Call 911 OR 800-600-SAFE or 988 Suicide Hotline
For over 41 years, A Safe Place has provided services to victims of domestic abuse and their families and is the sole provider exclusively addressing domestic violence and human trafficking in Lake County, Illinois.
The continuum of services includes
*24-hour crisis line
* crisis intervention
*emergency shelter
*rapid rehousing
*transitional and permanent supportive housing
*counseling & therapy
*orders of protection/legal advocacy
* safe custody exchanges & supervised visitations
*advocacy and supportive services.
To prevent future violence, A Safe Place offers
*community education and outreach
*mentoring program for adolescent boys
*intervention program for perpetrators of abuse
Programs and services of A Safe Place are evidenced-based, client-centered, and reflect a trauma-informed approach to direct services for survivors of domestic abuse and human trafficking and their children
For more information https://asafeplaceforhelp.org/
or urgent services call 24/7 Helpline at 847-249-4450